Taraweeh prayers will be held right after Isha prayers according to the prayer schedule Inshallah
Welcome to Deptford Islamic Centre
At Deptford Islamic Centre, we have been proudly serving our local community for over 10 years. Our centre offers daily prayers, Jumu’ah as well as special events for Eid and Ramadan for both brothers and sisters. Join us and be part of our vibrant community!
The main entrance is through the large green gates normally used on Fridays to accommodate larger congregation. The smaller rear entrance is located off Kerry road and used for daily prayers.

Prayer Times

Community Food Assistance Scheme. Fresh food and drink every week
Every Fri, Sat at 11:45
Fresh food and drink, household items, frozen foods and more. Occurs every week including Fridays and Saturday mornings starting...

Childrens Weekday Maktab. Wed & Fri 5:30-7:30pm.
Every Wed, Fri at 17:30
Maktab for boys and girls operating weekdays. For further information, or to register, please contact 074 986 77 366....

Brothers Quran class. Tue & Fri 8-9pm
Every Tue, Fri at 20:00
Weekly Quran class for brothers. Focussing on hifdh and revision on a weekly basis....